So, Douglas and Japheth both had their birthdays this month. We had a lot of fun for both. Sadly on Douglas' birthday he had to work and go to school, so we celebrated the day after by going out to dinner. He got some Heroscape stuff (a game he got for C-mas and is enjoying), a garage door opener since we only had one, and "I Am Legend." Also because his actual birthday wasn't much fun, I thought he'd really like to have a Game Night with some of his guy friends. And of course they played Heroscape. But it was a lot of fun, and he said it was a great birthday!
Japheth had a good time too. He had to go to the Doctor for his 2 year check-up on his birthday, but after Douglas got home Japheth opened his presents from us, and we went to dinner where Japheth got his own dessert! We had birthday dinners on each side where Japheth was excited to get to open presents. I think since C-mas he understands that part a bit better. He got some great books and toys including a Rody Horse and a bubble lawn mower. He now weighs 24 lbs 4 oz, and is 32 3/4 inches tall. He's still on the little side, and probably will be as a kid, but is growing great and is praportional. He can count to 12 on his own, and recognizes the numbers 1-10. He is also pretty good at the alphabet, but doesn't quite have it all. He knows a lot of shapes, and still loves to read. We're working on colors and getting the rest of the alphabet, along with recognizing letters. He does recognize S, T, O, & P for obvious reasons.
Japheth also had a birthday party with some friends. It was a Curious George party, they got to color, make George cup-cakes, and play "pin the butterfly on the log." They all had a lot of fun playing and eating. And they enjoyed the game more than I thought they would with their ages. Overall it was a pretty good birthday month!