Sunday, June 22, 2008

A New Home

So, we are very excited to say that we have officially bought our first house! We'll be moved in by June 26th. It's not spectacular, but we think it's pretty nice. It's a multi-level with 4 bedrooms, 3 up and 1 down. It has a nice size kitchen and 1 1/2 baths. And Douglas' favorite part- a 2 car garage! He's never had a garage or even a carport so he's very excited about that. And of course owning a home comes with a few extra expenses, like a lawn mower. We decided to get a push mower (the old kind you would see on Leave it to Beaver), we thought $4/gal was too much to pay to cut grass. But it'll give a good workout.

Japheth continues to grow and explore. He is FINALLY getting another tooth on the bottom, and it's a molar! He is continuing to learn to climb up more things. The other day he was in the kitchen and very quiet for a few minutes, so I decided to check on him. He had climbed up onto a chair and was eating some raisons that were left on the table. We have to watch him with his climbing because sometimes he'll try to climb over the back of the couch or up onto the table. We don't know how he'll do with the move, but we hope he adjusts well.


Kristy said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you guys, Don't forget to take pictures of the inside for us to see!

Anonymous said...

Well, I know this is old to you all, but, I love your blog. thanks for all the updates. You do great!! Haven't added any pix of inside for Kristy yet.

How is the bedroom coming? (And the green one toooooo?)

natalie horrocks said...

hey jill!
I don't know if you remember us, bu Melissa and I ran into Jerry. They are in the same ward, so he gave us his blogspot address so we could see how all of you were doing. It looks like you're having fun! Your little boy is so adorable! We have blogspots as well, so if you want to check us out: and
Have a good day!
Natalie Horrocks