Thursday, January 21, 2010


So Xander has been teething for a little while. Then it happened - 4 teeth in 3 weeks! Yep, so much fun. His first tooth popped out on New Years day, and his latest just popped out today (21st). Mostly he's been pretty happy, but the night before his teeth pop out he's super fussy and doesn't sleep well. I'd like to blame it on our friends Marshall & Liz, I think hanging out with them bring the teeth out. They were there for the first and third teeth, with the second and fourth coming only a few days after.

1 comment:

lizard said...

Blame us? You should be thanking us! Nobody wants to go through life unable to chew food for themselves. You guys clearly owe us big time. I will gladly accept payment in food. Marshall would probably prefer Man-dates.