Tuesday, June 7, 2011

2 Years old

Xander turned 2 at the end of May.  He had a blast with all the attention and fun.  We went to a park for his party and let the kids play.  Then we had cupcakes and opened presents, followed by going to a little wading stream to float some little rubber ducks.  Everyone had a great time, and all the other kids around us were looking jeaslously at our ducks.  Thanks to everyone who could come, and for the fun presents.  Xander has been having a blast playing with all the presents he has gotten from friends and family!  I think his favorite part of birthdays this year (anyone's birthday) is singing "Happy Birthday!"  There has been many a night since the birthday festivities began that he has sung himself to sleep with "Happy Birthday."  It usually sounds like happy to you Yander, he'll have to get the hang of the Z sound.

He is doing great and constantly learning new words.  He still loves to play with balls and read books.  He loves watching Curious George and meowing like a cat (just like his big brother).  He is 32 1/5 inches tall and weighs 24lbs 3oz.  He continues to grow like a weed, and be as cute as is possible.  I would like to state that taking his pictures this time was very frustrating since he was a bit of a punk and refused/had no interest in looking at me or the camera.

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